Regardless of the size or theme of your restaurant, it is essential to invest in the right materials and services to provide years of long-lasting protection for all of your surfaces. Restaurant flooring, for example, undergoes a lot of wear and tear over the course of one year, making it beneficial to find the best fit for your establishment’s needs. Owners will face a range of decisions in terms of surfaces, as each material and finish will play a major role in the place’s maintenance demands and overall beauty. Small advantages can yield major benefits in the years to come, making it important to find a team that has the experience and training needed to make the most of your restaurant flooring plan.

PPI Flooring is here to be your trusted commercial flooring contractors across Florida, delivering uncompromising service for many industries. We understand the complex demands many restaurants deal with, and work tirelessly to deliver the best solutions. Today, we’ll conclude our look into the restaurant flooring systems for each area within the building. If you’re in need of floor coating contractors in Orlando for your new project or building renovations, be sure to contact us for assistance today!

Different Applications

Beyond the entryway and dining room, your commercial flooring demands will begin to shift from beauty and aesthetics to durability and performance. Regardless of the flooring material used, it will be important to implement a matching maintenance plan to ensure long-lasting beauty and cleanliness.


The bathrooms in your food establishment may play little role in the customer experience, until the conditions become unsanitary. These high-traffic areas have the unique task of being durable, easy to clean, resistant to moisture and stains, and aesthetically pleasing. Continual exposure to moisture from sinks (and possibly plumbing fixtures) makes it essential to find a durable, long-lasting solution, which is where our floor concrete sealing services can prove ideal. Options such as polished concrete can help to provide long-lasting protection and performance for many establishments. PPI Flooring is here to provide personalized results to match your franchise’s style, so be sure to contact us for the best concrete flooring solutions!

Industrial garage with new epoxy flooring

The Kitchen

This workspace will likely not need to conform to the aesthetic demands of the rest of your business, but keep in mind that kitchens in restaurant flooring applications require a wide range of protective features for the best results. High foot traffic, continual exposure to food and moisture, and the risk of trips and falls can all place a high demand on your space. Commercial flooring solutions such as tile or high-quality vinyl may be useful for many restaurants. The value of your concrete floors may still be useful here, as epoxy floor coatings can be used to provide layer after layer of protection. In many applications, our flooring contractors can deliver personalized results that match the perfect texture, color, and shine for any kitchen.

Personalized Results

Regardless of your project’s scope or demands, the team at PPI Flooring will be able to deliver comprehensive results. Our local floor coating contractors work hard to provide precision with all of our services, including concrete floor polishing, stained concrete applications, epoxy floor coatings, and more.

  • Finishes – Whether you need a high-gloss finish for maximum brightness or a duller glow for more mellow tones, our epoxy coating contractors will be able to finish your floors the right way.
  • Textures – Achieve the right feel for your restaurant’s flooring, whether you want a smooth, luxurious surface or a rough, rocky feel for more natural effects. Texture is also useful in high-risk areas.
  • Designs – Polishing your concrete floors can do much to enhance the looks of any surface, and our commercial flooring team can help to create dynamic outcomes for nearly any design.

In most cases, the quality of your restaurant flooring services will depend entirely on the skill and experience of your floor company. PPI Flooring is here to provide the best results across Florida, deploying our industry expertise to ensure that your building is outfitted with affordable and long-lasting results. We are proud to be your trusted epoxy flooring team in Orlando, delivering a wide range of services to suit every industry. Contact us today to learn more, and be sure to request your project quote!